Identity and Authority in Ephesians

“Identity and Authority in Ephesians” is the title of my devotional Bible study that I hope will be available in May 2021.

It took me months to be comfortable with trusting my book to an Australian Publishing company. Finally, I took a deep breath and pushed the “send” button. I sent them my manuscript and my money last week.

The process is now out of my hands. Of course, I have final approval in all that they do, but the ball is in their court. They will register my book with all the proper agencies. They will edit the manuscript 3 separate times. After each edit, I will approve (or not) of all the changes. If I disagree with a change, then we will have a discussion.

Once everyone is happy that the manuscript is at least 96% accurate, then they will format the manuscript into a book. Again, I approve of the internal formatting.

At the same time, we collaborate on a cover. I am to give them ideas and images that I like so that they can magically transform those images into a cover. Again, I give my approval. This is the beauty of non-traditional publishing.

After all of that, then the books are printed. After months of editing and formatting, printing apparently takes only a few days. I will give you an opportunity to pre-order a copy soon. I will also offer to send you a pdf of the first chapter for free. Watch the website for those exciting developments.

The final step in the publishing process is the one that I think will be the most difficult - Marketing and Promotion. I need to “advertise” the book so that in gets into the hands of those for whom God intended it. How will they read it and be impacted by God’s Word, if they don’t even know it exists? This is where YOU come in. I will enlist your help to spread the word to your churches, and small groups and Bible studies. I thank you, in advance, for your help and prayers.