Thankful for Forgetfulness

So if our sins have been forgiven and forgotten, why would we ever need to offer another sacrifice for sin? TPT

I am thankful that God forgives and forgets my sins. Once I have confessed and repented, forgiveness is already mine thanks to Jesus’ death on my behalf. Not only am I forgiven, which is miraculous in itself. God also forgets the offence.

That means that God will not hold my sin against me when I get to heaven. We will all give an account of the deeds done in our earthly bodies (2 Cor.5:10). However, the ones that I have confessed are forgotten, not remembered at the time of “accounting.” This makes me what to confess and repent often!

Also, when God forgets my sins, He does not constantly remind me of my mistakes. He has forgotten them. So, when I hear a voice constantly needling me about that thing I said or did, I know that is the voice of the enemy. The enemy wants me to feel condemned or unclean even though God has pronounced me forgiven and clean. This is the battlefield of the mind that I hear so much about. Whose voice am I going to listen to? I declare that I will listen to the voice of my God, who forgives and forgets.

The other point of application here is to be careful how I use my voice. If I constantly remind others of things they said or did, then I am partnering with the enemy. I am allowing the enemy to use my voice for his schemes. Yikes! I never want to do that!

Finally, when God forgets my sins, He does not allow His memory of the things I have done to color His opinion of me. Again, that is nothing short of miraculous! God looks at me with eyes of love, instead of failure. When I have failed others, it has sometimes taken years to regain their trust, if at all. Thank God, He has already forgotten!

I am so deeply thankful for confession and repentance. They are the open door for me to live in God’s forgiveness and His forgetfulness.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.