Give Your Heart to Jesus

I gave my heart to Jesus yesterday. 

Don’t get me wrong; I have been a Christian for many years.  I invited Jesus into my heart as a small child.  And I relinquish the throne of my heart to Jesus some years after that.  The heart I gave Him yesterday was an actual physical heart.  Let me explain.

I have prayed with the same group of moms for almost 15 years.  We meet weekly to cover our children and their schools in prayer.  (See  Our leader recently gave us each a precious gift; a token of her friendship and love.  Mine was a small glass heart with a ribbon of scarlet swirling through it.  Beautiful!  I tucked the little glass heart away in the zippered pocket of my purse where it couldn’t fall out.  And promptly forgot about it.

Yesterday I was visiting a church that has fed me spiritually.  The Holy Spirit moved on my heart to sow into their ministry so that others could be spiritual fed.  I pulled out my cash and found that I was a couple dollars short of what I had purposed in my heart to give.  I thrust my hand deeper into my purse and came up with the small glass heart with the scarlet swirl! 

The symbolism was too perfect!  I was giving Jesus everything I had AND my heart!  I wondered what the person counting and depositing the offering would think.  Would they find a physical object among the cash and checks odd?   Would they understand the significance or just deposit my precious gift in the trash?  I had to take the risk.  I gave my heart to Jesus yesterday.

Now I am thinking that all giving is like that.  You never know if the recipient will treasure or even appreciate your gift.  Yet, if you are giving to Jesus, it doesn’t really matter.  He is worth any sacrifice.  Jesus treasures your generous heart . . . and your gift.  Give Jesus your heart!  It is worth the risk.