Declarative Healing Prayer

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Living Word.  When You speak, things happen.  By Your Word the world was created.  And when I declare Your Word, things happen.  Romans 10:9 says that if I confess with my mouth … I will be saved.  There is power in speaking what I believe.

So, Father, I come into agreement with Your Word.  Your Word says that You forgave all my iniquities, healed all my diseases and redeemed me from the pit (Ps. 103).  Father, that is Your confession, and I make that my confession!

I declare my body will receive the Word of God.  My immune system will destroy sickness and disease in my body, as God created it to do.  Thank You, Father, that every cell in my body responds to that Word.  Thank You that Your Word permeates my body from the top of my head to the souls of my feet!  I declare that I am healed, saved and delivered!  

I declare all sickness and disease in my body to be illegal – out of the will of God.  I command all sickness and disease to bow down to the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  And just as Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple, I chase you out of the temple of my body.

Heavenly Father, I rejoice at Your promise of divine health.  You said it, and I believe it!  I will not judge by what I see; I will judge by Your Living Word.  It is Your Word that lives in me and brings health and healing to every part of my body.  Today I declare that I will see Your promise of healing manifest in my body!

Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son to purchase my healing.  Thank You that I can experience Your abundant Life - in body, soul and spirit.  Amen.

Healing Scriptures

  • Isaiah 53:4

  • Matthew 8:17

  • 1Peter 2:24

  • Luke 10:9 & 19

  • Romans 8:

  • Hebrews 11:1

  • James 5:15

  • Mark 11:24

  • John 14:13-14