Baptism of Fire!

During the weeks leading up to the Open Heaven conference with Pastor Durham, I continued to pray about what the Lord had for me.  I am always pressing in for more and greater intimacy with the Lord.  At some point I thought to ask for the baptism of Fire.  I told the Lord that He had promised to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with Fire.  And while I feel like I have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I wasn’t sure that I had the baptism of Fire.  If I was going to fully follow Him, I needed that!

The first night of the conference, during worship, I saw myself as a 6’ flame of fire.  I believed it was God’s foreshadowing of what was to come.  At the end of the evening, Pastor Durham anointed us with “The Renewed Mind” by laying on of his hands.  As I waited my turn, I felt the need to cough out unclean spirits.  Finally, my turn came.  And while Pastor Durham blessed me, I saw Jesus’ hand as a flame of fire upon the top of my head!  I believe that was Jesus baptizing me with Fire!  But wait; it gets even better!

The second day of the conference was a great blessing.  The teaching fed my hungry soul the fresh manna it was craving.  I got new ideas and direction for greater intimacy with the Lord.  But the real blessing came on Sunday.

On Sunday, when Pastor Durham gave the altar call, I had such a burning in my heart that I practically ran forward!  I knelt on the floor in the Presence of the Lord.  Again, I scrambled forward when Pastor Durham said, “Someone needs to be right here, because a healing angel is standing right here!”  I was desperate to receive all that God had for me!  I said, “I’ll take it, Lord!”

The weight of His Presence was palpable in the spot where the healing angel stood!  My heart burned within me, and my eyes stung with tears.  The burning light of His Presence exposed my abhorrent sinful nature, yet filled me with exuberant joy all at the same time!  God answered my prayer for the baptism of Fire; my whole being felt as though I were kneeling in an oven!

I don’t know how long I knelt there with my face on the carpet.  But I was in no hurry.  Even after the burning intensity had passed, the nearness of His Presence was too sweet to leave.  At times I laughed with the Joy of Lord.  At times I sang in worship to HIM.  My heart was full and radiant!  Beautiful!