Thankful that God Delights in Me

. . . but whoever keeps and teaches (these commandments), he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:19

As a child, I had a distorted view of God. I envisioned Him as a condemning judge seated in heaven on a golden throne. He was constantly watching me; waiting for me to mess up, so He could bop me on the head! Naturally, I had no desire for a relationship with a God like that.

Imagine my relief when I actually read the Bible and found out that God is NOT a condemning judge but a Loving Father!

He smiles down on me with eyes of love, not condemnation. He isn’t waiting for me to mess up. Instead He is waiting on high to be gracious to me (Is 30:18). God already knew I would mess up. Rather than bopping me on the head, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for my sins. God so desires a relationship with me, that He had His Son make a way for reconciliation. Praise God!!

I have been secure in my Father’s love for decades now. What a relief!

But I have still wondered if He was pleased with me. As a parent, I love my children at all times. But I am not always pleased with them – the things they say, the things they do, the attitudes of their hearts. I assumed my Heavenly Father was just the same. Not so! This too, is a distortion of the character of God!

God doesn’t love as earthly parents love. God loves with a burning intensity! He can’t love any other way. Because God is Love! It is His very nature. It is who He is.

Jesus loves us with the same burning, passionate love that The Father loved Him (Jn 15:9). When we love Jesus and keep His Word, then we are drawn into a burning, passionate, love relationship with The Father (Jn 14:23). And They – The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit- make us Their dwelling place. Wow! That is unfathomable!

God has made a provision for weak and broken people. His love is bigger than my weaknesses and failures. The Father proclaimed that Jesus is His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased (Luke 3:22). And The Father pronounces that over us as well. Because we are “in Christ,” God proclaims that we are His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased.

The Father not only loves us, but He is also pleased with us!

More than that, God calls us “Great.” When we love God and teach others to love God (even if they don’t heed), then we will be called Great in the kingdom of heaven (see Matt. 5:19)!!

God loves us! AND He is pleased with us!! God is so pleased that we love Him, that He calls us Great in His Kingdom!!

Thank You, Father, for this fresh revelation of Your Love. Thank You for Jesus making me pleasing in Your sight. Thank You for the privilege of being GREAT in Your Kingdom. I love You!!!