Trinity - In the Anointing

Now I am seeing the Trinity of God Everywhere and in All things!!

I noticed that the Old Testament priests were consecrated with water, blood and oil (Leviticus 8).  That is three things!  I wondered if these could represent the Trinity.  As it turns out, they do!

  • Water = Father

  • Blood = Jesus

  • Oil = Holy Spirit

The “blood” represents Jesus, of course.  No one should have a problem with that analogy.  And often in the Word we see the Holy Spirit represented as “oil” (as well as a dove and wind, etc.). 

But I wondered if “water” could represent Father God.  So I got out my Dictionary of Biblical Imagery (published by IVP Academic).  It says that “water” figures in the Bible in three main ways: 1-as a cosmic force that only God can control and govern, 2-as a source of life, 3-and as a cleansing agent.  So, YES, “water” can and does represent Father God!

The best part is that we, as New Testament priests, are consecrated in the same fashion as the Old Testament priests!  We are consecrated by the “blood” of Jesus, by the washing of the “water” of the Word (Eph 5:26), and by the “oil” of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 1:9).

I’m praising God for eyes to see the Trinity in every context!