Jesus, the Healer

I painted this for the Northshore Healing Rooms.  We are using on our publications.

He Prepares a Table in the Midst of My Enemies

Notice the enemies in the trees. 

The wolf represents the devil and his minions.  The Bear represents evil people and the evil world system.

Yet the couple is completely oblivious.  The man in purple represents Jesus.  And the maiden in blue is me.  

The prophetic meaning:

In the Presence of the Lord, there is peace.


We found this tile of the Madonna at the end of a dark alley in Italy.  She was cracked, dirty and forgotten.  But Beautiful!

Modern Day Manger

I saw a picture of my girlfriend's baby on their farm on FB.  The manger scene is the first thing I thought of.

Revive Seattle

The Inspiration from this piece came at Bethel Church in Redding, California.