And they said to him, “We have had a dream, and there is no one to interpret it.” Then Joseph said to them, “Do interpretations not belong to God? Tell it to me, please.” Genesis 40:8 NASB
Do you neglect to record your dreams because they seem wacky to you? I did. I’m finding help from Hearing God Through Your Dreams by Charity Virkler Kayembe (see book review on January 28, 2025).
Yes, dream interpretation belongs to God. He is the One who gives us our wacky dreams in the first place. He is trying to communicate something to us. But what?
I’ve begun using the dream interpretation format Charity Virkler Kayembe gives in her book. I am discovering that the setting of my mind/life is key to understanding my dreams. Previously, I had paid little attention to the questions and concerns on my heart before my dream. However, these are the very things that God is trying to speak to me about in my dreams.
Let me give you a recent example from my own dreams:
I dreamt that my family and I were at a support dinner for a political candidate. It was my natural family, only 25 years younger. Because my husband wanted to be supportive, we tried to greet people around the room. However, we had trouble communicating because few spoke English. We finally retreated to our table with just our family. As we looked around the room, we noticed that the tables were filled with Muslim families.
After dinner, my young daughter wanted me to come with her and facilitate a conversation with a girl her age that she had noticed. Our family approached their table, and I spoke to the parents to see if I could make myself understood, in order to introduce the two little girls. The dream ended with me in this frustrating process.
The details of this dream seemed wacky to me. I am apolitical; I would not be attending a political banquet. And my family is fully grown now. I considered not recording; it but looking at what I would have missed if I hadn’t:
Main Action: Trying and failing to communicate. Trying to fulfill a duty (to support the candidate), yet not.
Main Emotion: Feeling alone and frustrated in a crowded room.
Setting: After 4 years of attending a church where I felt invisible, I have finally found a church near our winter residence where I felt “seen.” I was excited to have a church home where people speak my (spiritually) language. I was thanking God again and again. My heart is so full of joy over this discovery that all other things paled in comparison. This was the biggest issue in my heart.
Interpretation: The Lord was confirming in my dream that this is the church He has for me.
Again, I encourage you to read Charity’ book on dream interpretation. I can’t say that I am now able to interpret my every dream. But my success rate has dramatically improved. If you could interpret even half of your wacky dreams, wouldn’t it be worth it? Wouldn’t you love to hear what God says about the biggest things on your heart?
Happy dreaming!