
Welcome to Reflections on Beauty!  The beauty that I am reflecting is that of my Creator God.  My goal is to share the gifts God has given me in order to inspire others.  And my prayer is that you will find peace and encouragement here. 

Recently, a friend told me that both her grandfather and great-grandfather had been ministers of the Gospel. And she was the recipient of sermon notes and prayer journals they had passed down.

How I would have loved that!! I would love to be encouraged by the victories over the struggles of life recorded in those journals. I would love to have the opportunity to read the daily nuggets of Truth that God gave my parents in the faith.  And, dear friends, that is my heart for this website – a spiritual journal passed down to you, from a parent in the faith.  I pray you find value in the victories and nuggets God gives in my life. 

Not only was I impacted by the written heritage of faith passed down to my friend, her final statement is still resonating in my spirit.  She declared, "Every prayer they ever prayed, has been answered!"  

Every prayer that they ever prayed, has been answered!!  Wow!  What a statement!  I just want to stop right here and praise God!!!  HE is worthy of all our Praises!  He is the One who hears and answers our prayers!  He is the One who is faithful and True!  He is the One and only Covenant-keeping God!  Amen and Amen!!

I am so encouraged to persist in prayer!  It doesn't matter that I don't see the result . . . maybe not even in my life time.  I am ever more confident that my every prayer WILL be answered!!!  HE is the God I love.  HE is the God that I serve!!!

Be encouraged, Dear One, HE is faithful!!