A Gift of Love

During a recent move, we unearthed a couple of time capsules in the shape of cardboard boxes.  The contents from these time capsules dated back over 30 years!  I was intrigued at what a younger me chose to treasure.  Not surprisingly much of what I had treasured then, looked like trash now.  However, I did find a couple jewels among the rubble.  And, later, God gave me the greatest treasure – a gift of love.

In these time capsules, I discovered my high school annuals which I thought I had thrown away years ago. My grown children had a good laugh at my clothing and hair style.  Then I did actually throw them away.  I no longer considered them a treasure.

Along with those high school annuals, I found some writings and journals.  The writer in me was tempted to read them just to see what a younger me was thinking.  However, I remembered an early experience of reading old journals that was not pleasant. (I’ll tell you that story another time.) So I resisted the urge to read them and threw them away too. 

The time capsules also contained bundles of cards and letters.  And this is where I found my jewels!  I found letters from my grandmothers, both of whom passed away in those intervening years.  I continue to save and treasure those jewels!

Unlike my own writings that I had just tossed away, I felt the need to read every letter.  Someone had cared enough to labor over it and send it; I wanted to honor that.  So I sat on an up-turned box in my garage, rereading those letters of yesteryear. I wondered, when was the last time I got a hand-written letter in the mailbox?  When was the last time I wrote one?  I sat amongst the stacks of musty correspondence lamenting the loss of a dying art form.      

Telephones and computers are convenient forms of communication.  But a hand-written letter shows an investment of time and effort and intention.  That investment implies love and care and concern.  To receive a hand-written letter today would be a genuine Gift of Love, not just communication.

Months after sorting through those time capsules, I received a genuine Gift of Love from my Heavenly Father.  It came in the form of a prophetic word.  A young woman I had met for the first time was praying over me, and she received this vision for me:

My Heavenly Father was sitting at His desk writing me a letter.  He was expressing how much He loved me, His daughter.  He was explaining all the great plans He has for my life.  He was taking great care and time (years!) in writing the letter to communicate my value and worth to Him.  Once He was finished, He rolled it up into a scroll and tied it with the most beautiful bow.  Then He placed His Gift of Love into my hands.

Wow!  What a beautiful vision!!  What a precious Gift of Love from my Heavenly Father!!!

I don't want you to feel left out of this Gift of Love.  Your Heavenly Father has written you a love letter, too! . . . and He has placed it in your hands.  It is called the Bible.  He has declared His love for you, His child.  He has explained all the great plans He has for your life.  He has taken great care and time (centuries!) in writing this love letter to you.  He did all that to communicate your value and worth to Him.  I pray that you know how precious you are to Him!!!